upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20

on August 1 | in LAMP | by | with No Comments

This guide will explain you how to upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20.

Note: I have followed below way to upgrade Fedora 17 to Fedora 19 directly. Though face some challenges but able to resolve all.


Before Upgrade:

Better to take Backup of all important directories because if anything goes wrong and you need to install Fedora 20 from scratch so you have backup everything.


1) Make sure Fedora 19 packages are up to date if not then do

# yum update -y

Note: If there are kernel patches are there then it is advisable to reboot the server to take effect latest packages.

2) Install fedup to upgrade distribution.

# yum install fedup.

3) Then upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20 by using this command.

# fedup-cli –network 20 –debuglog /root/fedup-19to20.debug.log

4) After packages downloading complete then it will prompt you to reboot the server

# reboot

5) When server boots up it will show option in grub system upgrade with fedup. Press Enter and wait for some hours.


logs from debug log file which was specified earlier above

[ 200.596] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/fedora/packages/xorg-x11-xdm-1.1.11-6.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.597] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/updates/packages/sane-backends-libs-1.0.24-7.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.598] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/default-installrepo/packages/libspectre-0.2.7-3.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.599] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/fedora/packages/mono-core-2.10.8-5.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.603] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/updates/packages/libdhash-0.4.3-20.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.604] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/updates/packages/fence-agents-kdump-4.0.10-1.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)
[ 200.605] (DD) fedup.upgrade:add_install() add_install(/var/tmp/system-upgrade/updates/packages/redhat-lsb-4.1-21.fc20.i686.rpm, None, upgrade=True)


Once it will complete, it will automatically reboot the server in Fedora-20, if everything goes well you will have FC-20 kernel.


# uname -ar
Linux server1 3.15.6-200.fc20.i686+PAE #1 SMP Fri Jul 18 03:01:10 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux


Note: It’s best practice to take backup of your server before upgrade.

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